Win a beautiful Cybex Balios M Stroller


Win a beautiful Cybex Balios M Stroller worth £259.99.

This smoothly functional premium city pushchair has a reversible seat unit that can be adapted on the go. The never-flat rubber wheels allow for an undisturbed ride even on rough and uneven surfaces. The best-kept secret of the Balios M is that you only need one hand to use most of its functions.

3-in-1 system with CYBEX infant car seats and carry cot (both sold separately)
One-hand fold into a free-standing position (the best-kept secret of the Balios M is that you only need one hand to use most of its functions!)
Reversible seat with lying position
Never-flat all terrain rubber wheels allow for an undisturbed ride even on rough and uneven surfaces
Height-adjustable handle bar for easy manoeuvring
Extendable XXL sun canopy, perfect sun and wind protection with UVP50+
Extra large and convenient shopping basket
Bumper bar can be opened to one side for easy entry
Suitable from birth (when used with Carrycot) up to 17kg
Fabric covers machine washable at 30°
Dimensions: 37 x 57 x 84 cm
Weight: 10.6kg

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